Scope Of Chapter 16
From Fall In The West

Conduct of the Roman government towards the Christians, from the reign of Nero to that of Constantine–Christianity persecuted by the Roman Emperors–Inquiry into their Motives; Rebellious Spirit of the Jews–Toleration of the Jewish Religion
Jews were a People which followed, the Christians a Sect which deserted, the Religion of their Fathers; Christianity accused of Atheism, and mistaken by the People & Philosophers–Union & Assemblies of the Christians considered as a dangerous Conspiracy
–Their Manners calumniated–Their imprudent Defence; Idea of the Conduct of the Emperors towards the Christians–They neglected the Christians as a Sect of Jews; Fire of Rome under Nero;
Punishment of the Christians as the Incendiaries of the City; Remarks on the Passage of Tacitus relative to the Persecution of the Christians by Nero; Oppression of the Jews and Christians by Domitian–Execution of Clemens the Consul–Ignorance of Pliny concerning the Christians; Trajan and his Successors establish a legal Mode of proceeding against them – Popular Clamours–Trials of the Christians; Humanity of the Roman Magistrates–Inconsiderable Number of Martyrs– Example of Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, His Danger & Flight

257His Banishment, Condemnation & Martyrdom; Various Incitements to Martyrdom; Ardour of the first Christians– Gradual Relaxation; 3 Methods of escaping Martyrdom; Alternatives of Severity and Toleration; Ten Persecutions; Supposed Edicts of Tiberius and Marcus Antoninus
180State of the Christians in the Reigns of Commodus and Severus
211–249Of the Successors of Severus
244 Of Maximin, Philip, and Decius
252–260 Of Valerian, Gallienus, and his Successors
260 Paul of Samosata, his Manners
270He is degraded from the See of Antioch
274The Sentence is executed by Aurelian

Peace & Prosperity of the Church under Diocletian; Progress of Zeal and Superstition among the Pagans; Maximian & Galerius punish a few Christian soldiers; Galerius prevails on Diocletian to begin a Persecution
303Demolition of the Church of Nicomedia; 1st Edict against the Christians; Zeal and Punishment of a Christian; Fire of the Palace of Nicomedia imputed to the Christians; Execution of the 1st Edict; Demolition of the Churches; Subsequent Edicts

General Idea of the Persecution; In the Western Provinces, under Constantius and Constantine; In Italy and Africa, under Maximian and Severus; Under Maxentius; In Illyricum and the East, under Galerius & Maximian
311Galerius publishes an Edict of Toleration
Peace of the Church
Maximin prepares to renew the Persecution
313End of the Persecutions; Probable Sufferings of the Martyrs & Confessors; Number of Martyrs; Conclusion