Fall Of The Roman Empire In The East
By Gibbon

Originally Issued as 3 Volumes In 1788:
4 Chapters 39-47; 5 Chapters 48-57; 6 Chapters 58-71

42Barbaric World
43 535-594
44 Roman Law
45 565-604
46 Persian Wars
47 Christianity
48 Greek Emperors
49 726-1356
50 Mahomet
51 Saracen Conquests
52 Caliphs Empire
53 Eastern Empire
10th Century
54 Paulicans
55 Bulgarians
56 Saracens, Franks & Greeks
57 Seljuk Turks
58 Crusade 1st
59 Crusades
2nd & 3rd
60 Greeks & Latins
61 Courtenays
62Greek Empire Restored
63 Greek Empire Ruined
64 Moguls
65 Timour & Bajazet
66 Applications
to Popes
67 1440-1452
68Fall in the East
69 Rome from
12th Century
70 Petrarch & Rienzi