Scope Of Chapter 39
Fall in The East from The Decline And Fall

Zeno and Anastasius, Emperors of the East
Birth, Education & 1st Exploits of Theodoric the Ostrogoth– His Invasion & Conquest of Italy
The Gothic Kingdom of Italy– State of the West
Military & Civil Government – The Senator Boethius
Last Acts & Death of Theodoric

455-475 Birth and Education of Theodoric
474-491The Reign of Zeno
491-518The Reign of Anastasius
475-488Service and Revolt of Theodoric
489He undertakes the Conquest of Italy
His March
490The three Defeats of Odoacer
493His Capitulation and Death
494-526Reign of Theodoric, King of Italy; Partition of Lands– Separation of the Goths & Italians
Theodoric's Foreign PolicyDefensive Wars
509His Naval Armament; Civil Government of Italy according to the Roman Laws
Prosperity of Rome
500Visit of Theodoric; Flourishing State of Italy; Theodoric an Arian; His toleration of the Catholics; Vices of his Government
He is provoked to persecute the Catholics
Character, Studies & Honours of Boethius
His Patriotism; He is accused of Treason; His Imprisonment & Death
525 Death of Symmachus
526 Remorse & Death of Theodoric