Scope Of Chapter 51
In The East from The Decline And Fall

The Conquests of the Arabs or Saracens
Empire of the Caliphs, or Successors of Mahomet
State of the Christians, Etc., under Their Government

632Union of Arabs; Character of Caliphs
Conquests–Invasion of PERSIA
636Battle of Cadesia; Foundation of Bassora
637Sack of Madayn; Foundation of Cufa
637-651Conquest of Persia
651Death of the last King
710The Conquest of Transoxiana
632Invasion of SYRIA, Siege of Bosra
633Siege of Damascus; Battle of Aiznadin
The Arabs return to Damascus
634City taken by Storm & Capitulation
Pursuit of the Damascenes; Fair of Abyla
635Sieges of Heliopolis and Emesa
636Battle of Yermuk
637Conquest of Jerusalem
638Conquest of Aleppo and Antioch
Flight of Heraclius; End of the Syrian War
633-39The Conquerors of Syria
639-55Progress of the Syrian Conquerors
EGYPT–Character and Life of Amrou
638Invasion of Egypt; Cities of Memphis, Babylon & Cairo– Voluntary Submission of Copts or Jacobites–Siege & Conquest of Alexandria; Its LibraryAdministration of Egypt–Riches & Populousness
647AFRICA– First invasion by Abdallah
Praefect Gregory & Daughter
Victory of Arabs
665-689Progress of the Saracens in Africa
670-675Foundation of Cairoan
692-698Conquest of Carthage
698-709 Final Conquest of Africa
Adoption of the Moors
709SPAIN1st Temptations & Designs of Arabs
State of the Gothic Monarchy
7101st Descent of Arabs, 2nd Descent & Victory
Ruin of Gothic Monarchy
712, 713Conquest of Spain by Musa
714Disgrace of Musa; Prosperity of Spain under Arabs; Religious Toleration, Propagation of Mahometism; Fall of the Magians of Persia
749Decline & Fall of Christianity in Africa
1149 And Spain
Toleration of Christians–Their Hardships
718Empire of Caliphs