Scope Of Chapter 20
From Fall in The West Part of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire

The motives,progress and effects of the conversion of Constantine – Legal establishment of the Christian, or Catholic, church


Date of the Conversion of Constantine
His Pagan Superstition

He protects the Christians of Gaul
313Edict of Milan; Use and Beauty of the Christian Morality; Theory and Practice of Passive Obedience; Divine Right of Constantine
324General Edict of Toleration
Loyalty and Zeal of the Christian Party
Expectation and Belief of a Miracle
1The Labarum, or Standard of the Cross
2 The Dream of Constantine
3Appearance of a Cross in the sky

Change of the National Religion; Distinction of the Spiritual and Temporal Powers; State of the Bishops under the Christian Emperors
1Election of Bishops
2Ordination of the Clergy
3 Property
4Civil Jurisdiction
5Spiritual Censures
6 Freedom of Public Preaching
7Privilege of Legislative Assemblies