Scope Of Chapter 3
From Fall in The West Of The Roman Empire

Of the Constitution of the Roman Empire
in the Age of the Antonines

Idea of a Monarchy; Situation of Augustus; He reforms the Senate; Resigns his usurped Power —Is prevailed upon to resume it under the Title of Emperor or General; Power of the Roman Generals; Lieutenants of the Emperor; Division of the Provinces between the Emperor and the Senate; The former preserves his Military Command, and Guards, in Rome itself; Consular and Tribunitian powers; Imperial Prerogatives; The Magistrates; The Senate; General Idea of the Imperial System; Court of the Emperors; Deification; Titles of Augustus and Caesar; Character and Policy of Augustus; Image of Liberty for the People; Attempts of the Senate after the Death of Caligula; Image of Government for the Armies — Their Obedience; Designation of a Successor; Of Tiberius; Of Titus; The Race of the Caesars, and Flavian Family

96 Adoption and Character of Trajan
117 Of Hadrian; Adoption of the Elder & younger Verus
Adoption of the two Antonines; Character & Reign of Pius; Character and Reign of Marcus; Happiness of the Romans — Its Precarious Nature; Memory of Tiberius, Caligula, Nero, & Domitian; Peculiar Misery of the Romans under the Tyrants; Insensibility of the Orientals; Knowledge & free Spirit of the Romans; Extent of their Empire left them no place of Refuge