Scope Of Chapter 31
In The West – from 'The Decline And Fall'

Invasion of Italy by Alaric–Manners of the Roman Senate and People–Rome Is Thrice Besieged, and at Length Pillaged, by the Goths; Death of Alaric–The Goths Evacuate Italy–Fall of Constantine –Gaul and Spain Are Occupied by the Barbarians–Independence of Britain

408 Weakness of Court of Ravenna; Alaric marches to Rome– Hannibal at Gates of Rome; Genealogy of Senators– Anician Family; Wealth of Roman Nobles– Their Manners; Character of Roman Nobles, by Ammianus Marcellinus; State & Character of People of Rome; Public Distribution of Bread, Bacon, Oil, Wine, etc.; Use of the public Baths Games & Spectacles; Populousness of Rome 1st Siege of Rome by Goths; FaminePlagueSuperstition
409Alaric accepts Ransom & raises Siege
Fruitless Negotiations for Peace
Change & Succession of Ministers
2nd Siege of Rome by Goths;
Attalus created Emperor by Goths & Romans
410is degraded by Alaric– 3rd Siege & Sack of Rome by Goths; Respect of Goths for Christian Religion; Pillage & Fire of Rome– Captives & Fugitives– Sack of Rome by Charles V– Alaric evacuates Rome & ravages Italy
408-12 Possession of Italy by Goths
410 Death of Alaric
412Adolphus, King of Goths; concludes Peace with the Empire & marches into Gaul
414Marriage with Placidia– Gothic Treasures
410-17 Laws for Relief of Italy & Rome
413 Revolt & Defeat of Heraclian
409-13 Revolutions of Gaul & Spain
Character & Victories of Constantius
411 Death of Usurper Constantine
411-16 Fall of Usurpers, Jovinus, Sebastian, & Attalus
409 Invasion of Spain by the Suevi, Vandals,etc
414 Adolphus marches into Spain
415 His Death
415-18 Goths conquer & restore Spain
419 Establishment in Aquitain –Burgundians
420,etc. State of the Barbarians in Gaul
409Revolt of Britain & Armorica
409-99 State of Britain
418 Assembly of Seven Provinces of Gaul