Scope Of Chapter 33
In The West – from 'The Decline And Fall'

Death of Honorius–Valentinian III. Emperor of the West–Administration of His Mother Placidia
Aetius & Boniface
Conquest of Africa by the Vandals

423 Last Years and Death of Honorius
423–25 Elevation and Fall of the Usurper John
425–55 Valentinian III., Emperor of the West
425–50 Administration of his Mother Placidia
Her two Generals, Aetius and Boniface
427 Error and Revolt of Boniface in Africa
428 He invites the Vandals
Genseric, King of the Vandals
429 He lands in Africa– Reviews his Army
The Moors; The Donatists
430 Tardy Repentance of Boniface
Desolation of Africa– Siege of Hippo
Death of St. Augustin
431 Defeat and Retreat of Boniface
432 His Death
431–39 Progress of the Vandals in Africa
439 They surprise Carthage; African Exiles and Captives; Fable of the Seven Sleepers