Scope Of Chapter 37
In The West – from 'The Decline And Fall Of'

Origin, Progress, and Effects of the Monastic Life
Conversion of the Barbarians to Christianity and Arianism; Persecution of the Vandals in Africa
Extinction of Arianism among the Barbarians

Institution Of The Monastic Life – Origin of the Monks
305Antony & Monks of Egypt
341Propagation of Monastic Life at Rome
328Hilarion in Palestine
360Basil in Pontus
370Martin in Gaul; Causes of rapid Progress of Monastic Life; Obedience of Monks
Dress & Habitations; Diet; Manual Labour
Riches; SolitudeDevotion & Visions
Caenobites and Anachorets
395–451Simeon Stylites; Miracles & Worship of Monks; Superstition of the Age
Conversion Of The Barbarians
360,etcUlphilas, Apostle of Goths
Barbarians embrace Christianity– Motives of their Faith– Effects of their Conversion– Involved in Arian Heresy–General Toleration
Arian Persecution of Vandals
429-477 Genseric477 Hunneric484 Gundamund
496 Thrasimund523 Hilderic530 Gelimer
530Persecution in Africa
Catholic Frauds & Miracles
500–700Ruin of Arianism among Barbarians
Revolt & Martyrdom of Hermenegild in Spain
Conversion of Recared
and the Visigoths of Spain
600, etcConversion of Lombards of Italy
612-712Persecution of the Jews in Spain