Scope Of Chapter 7
Fall In The WestThe Decline & Fall Of The Roman Empire

The elevation & tyranny of Maximin — Rebellion in Africa & Italy, under the Authority of the Senate; Civil Wars & Seditions
Violent deaths of Maximin & his son, of Maximus & Balbinus, and of the three Gordians
Surpation and secular games of Philip

The apparent Ridicule and solid Advantages of hereditary Succession; Want of it in the Roman Empire productive of the greatest Calamities, Birth and Fortunes of Maximin; His Military Service and Honours
235Conspiracy of Maximin; Murder of Alexander Severus; Tyranny of Maximin; Oppression of the Provinces
237Revolt in Africa; Character and Elevation of the two Gordians; They solicit the Confirmation of their Authority; The Senate ratifies the Election of the Gordians; Declares Maximin a public enemy; Assumes the Command of Rome and Italy; Prepares for a Civil War; Defeat and Death of the two Gordians; Election of Maximus and Balbinus by the Senate—Their Characters; Tumult at Rome the younger Gordian is declared Caesar; Maximin prepares to attack the Senate and their Emperors
238Marches into Italy; Siege of Aquileia; Conduct of Maximus; Murder of Maximin and his Son; His Portrait; Joy of the Roman World; Sedition at Rome; Discontent of the Praetorian Guards; Massacre of Maximus and Balbinus; The third Gordian remains sole Emperor; Innocence and Virtues of Gordian
240Administration of Misitheus
242The Persian War
243The Arts of Philip
244 Murder of Gordian; Form of a Military Republic; Reign of Philip
248Secular Games; Decline of the Roman Empire