Chapter 9Fall Of The Roman Empire In The West

The state of Germany till the invasion of the Barbarians, in the time of the emperor Decius

Extent of Germany, Climate, Its Effects on the Natives, Origin of the Germans
Fables and Conjectures, The Germans ignorant of Letters, Of Arts and Agriculture, Of the Use of Metals, Their Indolence, Their Taste for strong Liquors; State of Population, German Freedom, Assemblies of the People
Authority of the Princes and Magistrates; More absolute over the Property than over the Persons of the Germans; Voluntary Engagements
German Chastity, Its probable Causes
Religion, Its Effects in Peace – Its Effects in War
The Bards
Causes which checked the Progress of the Germans, Want of Arms,Want of Discipline
Civil Dissensions of Germany
Fomented by the Policy of Rome
Transient Union against Marcus Antoninus, Distinction of the German Tribes, Numbers