Scope Of Chapter 2
From Fall in The West Of The Roman Empire

Of the Union & Internal Prosperity of the Roman Empire in the Age of the Antonines

Principles of Government – Universal Spirit of Toleration, Of the People, Of Philosophers, Of the Magistrates, In the Provinces, At Rome; Freedom of Rome, Italy, The Provinces, Colonies & Municipal Towns
Division of the Latin & the Greek Provinces
General Use of both the Greek & Latin Languages
Slaves, their Treatment, Enfranchisement, Numbers; Populousness of the Roman Empire — Obedience & Union; Roman Monuments – Many of them erected at Private Expense
Example of Herodes Atticus – His Reputation
Most of the Roman Monuments for Public Use; Temples, Theatres, Aqueducts
Number & greatness of the Cities of the Empire – In Italy, Gaul & Spain, Africa, Asia
Roman Roads, Posts, Navigation
Improvement of Agriculture in the Western Countries of the Empire; Introduction of Fruits, etc., The Vine, The Olive, Flax, Artificial Grasses; General Plenty, Arts of Luxury, Foreign Trade, Gold & Silver, General Felicity
Decline of Courage, Decline of Genius, Degeneracy