Scope Of Chapter 36
Fall In The West – from 'The Decline And Fall'

Sack of Rome by Genseric, king of the Vandals
His Naval Depredations – Succession of the Last Emperors of the West: Maximus, Avitus, Majorian, Severus, Anthemius, Olybrius, Glycerius & Nepos, Augustulus;Total Extinction of the Western Empire
Reign of Odoacer, the First Barbarian King of Italy

439-45Naval Power of the Vandals
455Character & Reign of Emperor Maximus
His Death – Sack of Rome by the Vandals
Emperor Avitus
450-66Character of Theodoric, King of the Visigoths
456His Expedition into Spain; Avitus is deposed
457Character and Elevation of Majorian
457-61His salutary Laws– The Edifices of Rome
457Majorian prepares to invade Africa
Loss of his Fleet
461His Death
461-67Ricimer reigns under the Name of Severus
Revolt of Marcellinus in Dalmatia; Revolt of Aegidius in Gaul; Naval War of the Vandals
462,etcNegotiations with the Eastern Empire
457-74Leo, Emperor of the East
467-72Anthemius, Emperor of the West
Festival of the Lupercalia
468Preparations against the Vandals of Africa
Failure of the Expedition
462-72Conquests of the Visigoths in Spain and Gaul
468Trial of Arvandus
471Discord of Anthemius and Ricimer
472Olybrius, Emperor of the West
Sack of Rome, & Death of Anthemius
Death of Ricimer; Death of Olybrius
472-75Julius Nepos & Glycerius
Emperors of the West
475The Patrician Orestes
476His Son Augustulus: last Emperor of West
476-90Odoacer King of Italy
Extinction of the Western Empire
Augustulus is banished to the Lucullan Villa
Decay of the Roman Spirit
476-90Character and Reign of Odoacer
Miserable State of Italy